I have never been a true "social butterfly", but one recent week in Our Town, my bride, Lady Deborah and I, briefly qualified for this title. It is true we have always traveled a great deal, both within our Great Country and internationally, but the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic certainly held down our roaming activities for over 2 years. Our adventures outside Our Town were slim in number to say the least. Matter of fact, our local activities were few and far between, too, during the awful pandemic. Sound familiar?
A few weeks ago, however, we certainly filled our local dance card, to use a term only a few of you will understand. Simply put, we stayed busy away from home, with social gatherings. Wednesday night, we had supper with close friends at a venue near both our homes. We really enjoy this quiet atmosphere, and dining with this couple at least twice per month. We have watched and "helped" each other's children grow in this wonderful community over many years, so a great deal of our dinner conversation each outing is centered on each other's families. I am certain that is the case for many families in Our Town, since our strong suit here is the excellent family life available in this little secret place we call home in North Central Oklahoma.
Thursday night that particular week, my bride and I were invited to the quarterly visiting chef's dinner in the lovely Taylor Dining Room on the Oklahoma State University (OSU) campus. We were Matt's guests, sitting at his 6-top table, in a sold-out crowd of 300 diners. The food and drink were good, but the evening companionship at our table was outstanding. The conversational topics were extremely varied, and the laugher was plentiful. Heck, yours truly even told several stories that brought chuckles from our small table. Ms. Debbie and I had been several times to that special event years ago, but have been absent for awhile. So, it was a fun evening to experience again, especially with our fellow table guests.
Friday evening, my lifelong friend, retired FBI agent Steve, invited me to the "OSU Football Legends" get-together in the Club Level at Boone Pickens Stadium on the OSU campus. The evening featured former Cowboy football players (i,e,, Steve) and coaches. I met new OSU Athletic Director Chad Weiberg, among others that evening. Eskimo Joe's catered the food/drink portion of the event, and I would estimate the turnout was a couple of hundred former athletes and guests. At the conclusion of the eating, they awarded many random prizes, mostly OSU spirit items. We had a great time talking for a couple of hours, and listening to the former players remembering their glory days on the gridiron.
Saturday was a major excitement day. Most of the afternoon, Our Town experienced very warm and windy weather, which usually is code for a spring storm. Well, it certainly was true to form that day. Ms. Debbie and I elected to eat out before visiting the beautiful McKnight Performing Arts Center on the OSU campus. We had purchased excellent tickets to enjoy the iconic stage production "South Pacific". This was the first time my bride and I had been inside this incredible local venue. While we were eating our early supper inside a local restaurant, we experienced 5 different tornado siren outbursts. Fortunately, I carry my trusty portable radio with me in my truck, so I brought the radio inside the restaurant, and listened to the local station weather updates. The rainfall was heavy, but, fortunately, no hail fell where we were located. We safely drove to the live performance venue, but the famous musical was delayed almost 30 minutes due to the previous tornado warnings. The storm delay and regular length of the production put us home a little before midnight. I will say both the storm and "South Pacific" kept our full attention that evening!
Sunday, OSU's men's baseball team played host to TCU. I had considered attending, since I have not been inside O'Brate Stadium yet, but I was too worn out from my previous days' full dance cards. Oh, well, I'll get my second wind, and, once again, make more memories.